Company Updates
Upcoming Training Classes
Please contact training(at)samoconsult.de to inquire about custom training opportunities or to discuss your specific training needs with us.
Many of our standard training and e-learning courses are offered under the brand name tudoor academy. Please visit the training section of our home page for further information.
Further Company Updates
Further company updates can be found on LinkedIn. Please visit and follow us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/samoconsult-gmbh .
Safe and Secure into the Future - The EmbeddedSafeSec Project
Together with ITPower Solutions GmbH and ZeSys e.V., samoconsult GmbH kicked off EmbeddedSafeSec, a research project to develop a process model and an integrated methodology to address both - safety and cybersecurity - when developing critical embedded systems. Please refer to https://embeddedsafesec.zesys.de/en/ for further information.
The EmbeddedSafeSec project is funded as part of the Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) program for the promotion of research, innovation and technology (ProFIT) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
samoconsult is Hiring - Functional Safety Opportunities
We are currently filling functional safety positions (f/m/d) to grow our team. Please explore www.samoconsult.de/jobs.html for further details.